Bannon Found Guilty of Contempt of Congress

BUCK: Steve Bannon, folks, this just broke, guilty on both counts of contempt of Congress. Steve Bannon, just found guilty in a court of law, Clay, over the January 6 thing. Folks, this is big breaking news. We unfortunately have about 30 seconds, Clay, this is not over. This is just the beginning in some ways.

CLAY: I want to know, I think he faced a year, potentially, in prison — what actually is going to happen to him now. And I’m sure we’re going to be talking about it a lot on Monday.

BUCK: Has anyone gone to prison for contempt of Congress? I don’t have an answer for that. I think the answer is probably no.

CLAY: It’s not a very common charge.

BUCK: Will they make Steve Bannon the first? I think the answer is yes.

CLAY: Yes, that’s the question.