Fat City for Criminals! Pritzker Signs No Cash Bail Bill

The billionaire Democrat governor of Illinois — considered a heavyweight in the race for the 2024 Democrat nomination — is J.B. Pritzker, and Buck explains the kinds of policies he is foisting on his crime-ridden state in the audio link above.

Remember, this state is home to Chicago, where the streets are awash in come.

If you’re in a blue city or state, they are not going to protect you? Is the answer to flee? That’s the solution our buddy Jesse Kelly suggests.

What do you think of Democrats like Pritzker leaving citizens at the mercy of criminals, rapists, purse snatchers, and murders? Is Jesse Kelly on to something or do you want to stand and fight? Tweet us your take @ClayAndBuck — or, if you’re a 24/7 VIP, send us an email.