“Let’s Go, Brandon!” Song Rockets Up the Charts

BUCK: Clay, have you seen this song “Let’s Go, Brandon”?

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

BUCK: It’s rocketing up the charts. There is a rap song “Let’s Go, Brandon.”

CLAY: I think it’s number one on the iTunes charts, right?

BUCK: I believe for rapper hip-hop it may be, yes. I don’t know if it’s number one. Is it number one all the way? No, no. But it’s making its way up there.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: It’s pretty catchy. Oh, wait. We actually have it. Would you like to hear some of it?

CLAY: I’d love to hear “Let’s Go, Brandon.”

BUCK: Let’s play the “Let’s Go, Brandon” rap song, by all means.

BUCK: Get the idea a lot of beeps, I will say, a lot of beeps. Beeps. Do we have to pick the part with the beeps? At the beginning there’s just a lot of “Let’s go, Brandon” in the sample.

CLAY: That is, I think, ultra-fantastic — and I don’t know, Buck. Seems like for the most popular president in the history of America, there’s a lot of people who don’t like Joe Biden. Eighty-one million votes!

BUCK: I have not met a single person who is a Democrat who will say that Joe Biden is great. I don’t know a single one who’s a Democrat. I’m not sure they don’t exist, of course, but I haven’t spoken to a single Democrat — and I do have Democrat friends, believe it or not, lots of them.

CLAY: You live in New York City. It would be almost impossible not to.

BUCK: You think you go to a cocktail party here and they check your GOP registration card when you walk in. But they’re all… It’s always just, “Well, he’s not Trump. He’s not Trump.”