This Is What Got Clay Banned from CNN

CLAY: For people out there who have not heard this, I was talking about the fact that I am banned from CNN. This is four years old, but the staff chased it down. Were you working at CNN at the time?
BUCK: I think so.
CLAY: I believe this was 2017. This is why I am banned by CNN.
BUCK: Oh, no, no. I was gone by then. But go ahead.
CLAY: You were gone already. I think this is 2017. This is why I am banned by CNN. If you haven’t heard this clip — by the way, Buck, that has gone viral again on TikTok and Instagram and kids and anywhere else who didn’t see it when it was initially on I was on talking about the importance of the First Amendment and why freedom of speech mattered in media circles. Here’s what it sounded like.
CLAY: I’m a First Amendment absolutist. I believe in only two things completely, the First Amendment and boobs, and so (chuckles) once they made the decision that they were not going to allow a conservative, non-sports-related commentator —
BALDWIN: Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. I just want to make sure I heard you correctly as a woman anc — anchoring this show. Did you say…?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: What did you say? You believe in the First Amendment and B, double O, B S?
CLAY: Boobs. Two things that have only never let me down in this entire country’s history, the First Amendment and boobs. So those are the only two things I believe in absolutely in the country.
BALDWIN: I just want to make sure I’m hearing you correctly.
MAN: It’s astonishing!
BALDWIN: B-o-o-z-e or b-o-o-b-s? ‘Cause, as a woman, (sputtering) I’m — I’m — I’m —
CLAY: I said boobs! I believe completely in the First Amendment and in boobs. Those are the only two things I believe a hundred percent in this country. And, by the way, Jemele, has nothing to do with the background —
BALDWIN: Why are you sitting here live on CNN, why would you even say that live on national television…?
CLAY: I say it live on the radio all the time ’cause it’s true and that’s what I do, because I like boobs and the First Amendment, which is exactly what I said.
CLAY: So she cut me off at that point in time, and that is the story.